Activities - Rcc - Rowad Correction Center

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Hard place team trying to provide the best medical services premium prices in coordination with customers and contracts Almokhtlvhany Nstml service provided to the
patient on the largest amount of Excellence Basaal correspond with everyone and include the following engagements ... please click here
Please communicate with contracts coordinator to confirm the contract "through the hotline 16568

Since the beginning of the Activity Center has been conducting more than 38,000 operation to correct defects of vision between Leszek laser and optical Khtqrnah been treating keratoconus by non-preemptive surgery showed initial success rate of more than 99.5%, as well as more than 5,000 patients on the process of keratoconus great success
More than 100 000 screening

The Centre's activities were not confined to the medical side in our field only, but extended to include scientific side, where it was by Mjuah of educational seminars and hosting a group of foreign expertise in the field of ophthalmology and Ajraalamilit educational surgery and involve them in the educational seminars through some gentlemen doctors shareholders at the center At the end of the courses are given doctors who have been trained certified certificate stating the center to attend those seminars Aldrasehwaltdreb

Pioneers of vision correction is also keen to invite foreign expertise in the field of ophthalmology for Zeya center and perform detection and processes some of the patients and the organization of conferences to let us know what is new in the field of these surgeries
We put before our eyes the development and submission of the latest styles Informed in ophthalmic surgery and LASIK at the hands of the best experiences and companies Alamh

RCC 16 5 68
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